My positive coping skill

My positive coping skill
Boxing at Lewis's Boxing Gym, Springfield, MO.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Your fat because you are a failure!

Have you ever felt like a failure when you gave in to that hot fudge sundae or supreme nachos that have absolutely no nutritional value but just make you feel good at the moment? Well, you're not. In actuality we were made to over eat as a part of survival. The reason you feel hungry when you smell something delicious even if you just ate is to keep you alive. Imagine going days or weeks without eating fat or protein. Wouldn't you be ravenous? When we were hunter gathers this was the case. So, when we come upon a large kill we eat and eat and eat some more. This way we can fill up our fat stores until the next big hunt pays off (which didn't always happen). We were meant to crave the fat and the sugar as a means of survival. So next time you want to overindulge don't think you are a failure. Know that your body is only doing what comes natural and trying to store fat until the next hot fudge sundae comes along. The old saying "knowing is half the battle" plays a big role in you being able to resist this temptation the next time around. Since you now know that you are not a failure you can work on being a survivor in our new environment where food is plentiful. Give yourself 20 minutes and see if the temptation passes. If not indulge but set a limit like half the sundae. The trick is to throw half out before eating or split it with someone then celebrate your success at self control!

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