My positive coping skill

My positive coping skill
Boxing at Lewis's Boxing Gym, Springfield, MO.

Friday, June 4, 2010

USDA Food pyramid to blame for obesity in America?

What makes us fat? Isn't that the question that we have all been asking for years? In all actuality we have had the answer but the truth has been hidden. Ask yourself this question. Who established our current USDA food guide pyramid? The answer is simple. The United States Department of Agriculture. Who is the United States Department of Agriculture or better yet what lobbyist have the biggest impact on their decisions? This would be large commercial farmers. What motivation do they have to impact the food pyramid? The answer is simple, money! The government pays big money to subsidize large grain producing crops. What would happen if Americans were told it is healthier to eat less grains? We would by less and profits and subsidizes would be cut. I will get into the science of why highly processed grains are the #1 factor in why American's are overweight in a later post. Right now, I want you to realize that there is a better choice. Harvard School of Public Health has already researched and come up with a "pyramid" for eating that will help us be successful in our weight loss endeavers. Check it out and let me know what you think.

Sorry their isn't a direct link but I am trying to figure out how this blog site works. Thanks for your patience. ; )

1 comment:

  1. My Daughter Angela ,
    walks the talk , she has seen me
    ( her Mother ) struggle with weight all her life , I am very Happy to say these days , I am on the wining side of losing weight ,
    Lean protein , has been my number one solution at killing hunger and I eat more often , smaller portions and a lot more live foods ,sugar is a huge no no , although I do indulge from time to time , with diet jello and fruit with wipe cream ,
    sugar free Chocolate pudding with fresh strawberries ,
    My daughter has always said small steps make a big different I was 249 last march and am happy to say 222 I am feeling so much better , I work out 3 times a week .. I feel so much freer . And happier .Gods foods are the best .
    I AM ESTREAMLY PROUD OF Angela for being a good leader , but most of all for living a clean life . She is a great mother and friend to all and most of all to me !
    keep going Angela God is using you !
    I Love you very much Momma Dolores Lynn
